The mission of the Shree Vaishnav Sampraday is to uphold and propagate the teachings of the Sri Vaishnav tradition, rooted in the divine philosophy of Bhagavad Ramanuja. We are dedicated to fostering unwavering devotion to Lord Vishnu, promoting the path of surrender (prapatti), and preserving the sacred traditions outlined in our scriptures. Through education and spiritual guidance, our mission is to empower individuals to lead righteous lives and attain spiritual bliss.
Vision and Objective
Our vision for the Shree Vaishnav Sampraday is to create a community of devotees who live by the principles of selfless service, humility, and love for the Supreme. We aspire to build a society that reflects the ideals of unity, compassion, and unwavering faith in the divine. Through continuous spiritual practice and adherence to the sampraday’s tenets, we envision a harmonious world where individuals experience the grace of Lord Vishnu and contribute positively to the well-being of all beings.
The primary objective of the Gurukulam Ashram is to provide a sacred and conducive environment for holistic education, spiritual growth, and self-discovery. Rooted in the ancient Gurukul tradition, our ashram aims to impart traditional knowledge, moral values, and practical life skills to individuals, fostering a harmonious integration of the spiritual and material aspects of life. Through a structured curriculum, guided meditation, and experiential learning, we seek to nurture the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of our residents. The objective is to produce individuals who are not only academically proficient but also deeply grounded in ethics, compassion, and a profound understanding of their spiritual identity. Additionally, the Gurukulam Ashram strives to serve as a sanctuary for seekers from all walks of life, promoting a sense of community, shared learning, and devotion to a higher purpose. Our ultimate objective is to contribute to the overall well-being of individuals and society by fostering a culture of wisdom, service, and spiritual awakening.
अनन्तश्रीविभूषित नेपालदेशीय आद्य जगद्गुरु योगिराज श्रीकमलनयनाचार्य स्वामीजीको संक्षिप्त जीवनी
नेपालको सुदूरपूर्वी जिल्ला इलामको नामसालिङ्ग निवासी पं.श्री मुक्तिनाथ र यशोदा रिमालको पुत्ररत्न श्रीयोगिराज स्वामीजी वि. सं १९२५ भाद्र कृष्ण दशमी तिथि आर्द्रा नक्षत्र आइतबारका दिन अवतरित हुनु भएको थियो। वाल्यकालमा श्रीस्वामीजी काशिनाथ नामले परिचित सुशील एवं सर्वलक्षण सम्पन्न हुनुहुन्थ्यो। आठ वर्षको उमेरमा व्रतबन्ध (उपनयन संस्कार) सम्पन्न गरी पिताजी स्वयंले वेद अध्यापन गराउनु भयो। केही बर्षसम्म घरमै शुक्लयजुर्वेदको गहन अध्ययन गरी संस्कृत व्याकरण आदि विशेष ग्रन्थको अध्ययनार्थ भोजपुर दिङ्लामा बालागुरु षडानन्दज्यूद्वारा स्थापित संस्कृत पाठशालामा अध्ययन प्रारम्भ गर्नु भयो। आबालब्रह्मचारी षडानन्द गुरुज्यूबाट संस्कृत व्याकरण, तर्कशास्त्र, नीतिशास्त्र, प्रारम्भिक योग, धर्मशास्त्र, एवं तपस्या साधना आदि विभिन्न विषयमा अभिरुचिपूर्वक अध्ययन गर्नु भयो। बालागुरुज्यूबाट नै संपूर्ण कर्मकाण्ड र उच्चशिक्षाको आधारस्तम्भ समेत पुरा गरेर उत्तर भारतको अयोध्यामा वेदान्त दर्शनको अध्ययनमा दत्तचित्त हुनुभयो। त्यसपछि श्रीमद्भागवत महापुराण पौराणिक सद्ग्रन्थहरूको अध्ययन गर्न वृन्दावनतर्फ सवारी हुनुभयो। वृन्दावनमा केही बर्षको अध्ययन पछि समय-समयमा गृहग्राम नामसालिङ आएर कर्म, ज्ञान, भक्ति, वैराग्य एवं आत्मा र परमात्माका विषयमा प्रवचन गरेर आफन्त र छिमेकी सबैको हृदयमा आध्यात्मिक ज्ञानको उज्यालो छर्नुभयो । त्यसपछि अध्ययन, तीर्थाटन र योगसाधनालाई पनि साथसाथै अभ्यास गर्दै श्रीस्वामीजी एक योगनिष्ठ महात्माको रूपमा सुपरिचित हुनुभयो। श्रीस्वामीजी आकर्षक सुन्दर श्रीविग्रह र तेजिलो मुखाकृति एवं स्फटिक धौतवस्त्रादिले सुशोभित हुनुहुन्थ्यो। नियमित योगाभ्यास गर्नुहुने श्रीस्वामीजीको श्रीविग्रह जीवन भरी नै प्रायः एकैनासको एवं ब्रह्मतेजले परिपूर्ण कान्तियुक्त थियो। श्रीस्वामीजी सुशील, मिलनसार,सहयोगी, सामाजिक एवं गहनतम आध्यात्मिक भावनाले परिपूर्ण हुनुहुन्थ्यो। अतिविशिष्ट आध्यात्मिक जीवन चरित्रका धनी श्रीस्वामीजी सांसारिक मोहबन्धन र माया-ममताबाट विरक्त हुनुहुन्थ्यो ।
तीर्थयात्राका क्रममा जगन्नाथपुरीका शंकराचार्यज्यूबाट प्राप्त परामर्श अनुसार मोक्षप्राप्तिका लागि काञ्चिपुरममा गएर गादी श्रीअनन्ताचार्य स्वामीजी महाराजबाट पञ्चसंस्कार-मोक्षदीक्षा ग्रहण गरी रहस्यत्रयको अनुष्ठान एवं अनुसन्धानमा निरन्तर अगाडि बढ्नुभयो।
त्यसपछि श्रीस्वामीजी मन्त्रार्थ अनुसन्धान,योग साधना एवं रहस्यग्रन्थहरुको अध्ययनका लागि उत्तराखण्ड बदरिकाश्रमको ज्योतिर्मठ आएर श्रीरघुनाथाचार्यज्यूबाट अष्टाङ्गयोग साधना गरेर यम, नियम, आसन, प्राणायाम, प्रत्याहार, धारणा, ध्यान र समाधि यी आठ अंगका सबै विधामा सफल साधना गरी श्रीयोगिराज पदवी प्राप्त गर्नुभयो। गोवर्धन गद्दी सम्बद्ध श्रीरघुनाथाचार्य गुरुजीले धेरै गौमाताको सेवा गर्नु भएको सत्प्रेरणाबाट श्रीयोगिराज स्वामीजी पनि गौसेवामा अग्रस्थानमा हुनुहुन्छ।

अष्टाङ्गयोग निपुण श्रीयोगिराज स्वामीजीको अद्वितीय प्रतिभा र तपस्या देखेर श्रीरघुनाथाचार्य गुरुजी कै पुरुषकारले गादी श्रीअनन्ताचार्य स्वामीजीबाट जीवात्मालाई शंख-चक्र प्रदान गर्ने अधिकार (श्रीवैष्णवीय आचार्य पद) प्राप्त गर्नुभयो। त्यसपछि गादी स्वामीजीको आज्ञा अनुसार नेपालको सुदूर पश्चिम बर्दिया जिल्लाबाट दाङ, सल्यान, सुर्खेत, पाल्पा, गुल्मी, चितवन हुँदै मुक्तिनाथ, दामोदरकुण्डसम्मको तीर्थयात्रा पूरा गरी पूर्वी नेपालको झापा, इलाम तथा भुटान र भारतको आसाम- सम्मका विभिन्न स्थानमा श्रीलक्ष्मीनारायण मन्दिरहरू निर्माण गरी भगवानको नित्य सेवा आराधना गर्ने व्यवस्था मिलाएर श्रीवैष्णव सम्प्रदाय र विशिष्टाद्वैत दर्शनको प्रचार-प्रसार गर्न सफल हुनुभयो। श्रीस्वामीजी समाजमा धर्मजागरणका लागि प्रवचन, अध्यापनका अतिरिक्त जप, अनुष्ठान र याज्ञिक विधिद्वारा पितृहरूको उद्धार गर्ने पवित्रतम कार्यमा अग्रणी स्थानमा हुनुहुन्थ्यो। समय- समयमा विभिन्न स्थानमा श्रीमद्भागवत सप्ताह महापुराण आयोजना गरी पित्रेष्टी महायज्ञहरु गराउनुहुन्थ्यो।
कतिपय स्थानमा त पितृहरू अदृष्यरूपले श्रीस्वामीजीको जय जयकार गर्दै आफ्ना सन्ततिलाई अमोध आशीर्वाद दिदै भगवदसायुज्यधाम श्रीवैकुण्ठ तर्फ सरासर जान्थे। वर्तमान समयमा पनि श्रीयोगिराज स्वामीजीका परम्परामा शरणागत भएका शिष्यहरुले आ-आफ्ना वंशमा अकालमृत्युभएका, दशगात्र एवं सपिण्डनादि नभएका प्रेतात्माहरूको उद्धारका लागि श्रीयोगिराज स्वामीजीले सिकाउनु भएको विधि- अनुसार देश-विदेशबाट समेत परिपूर्ण श्रद्धा र सम्पत्ति समर्पण गरी श्रीगुरुधाममै गएर आचार्यश्रीको आज्ञानुसार पित्रेष्टी महायज्ञ लगाउने परंपरा चलिरहेको छ। यस्ता परमतपस्वी श्रीयोगिराज स्वामीजीको तपस्या र अनुष्ठानका प्रभावले लाखौं लाख शिष्य परंपरा वृद्धि भई देश-विदेशमा रहेर पनि आचार्य सेवामा निष्ठा राखी आ-आफ्नो परिवारको उज्जीवन हुने पवित्र कार्यमा समर्पित हुनुहुन्छ । श्रीयोगिराज स्वामीजी ज्ञान, भक्ति, वैराग्य, योग, जप, तप, समाजसेवा, गौसेवा, विद्यालय एवं मन्दिर निर्माण, अष्टाङ्गयोग साधक, सर्वशास्त्रमर्मज्ञ, नैष्ठिकी, श्रद्धावान् कुलीन ब्राह्मण एवं आबाल ब्रह्मचारी महापुरुषको स्वरूपमा रहनुभएकोले धेरै मान पदवीले समेत सम्मानित हुनुभयो। यतिमात्र नभएर श्रीमत्परमहंश परिव्राजकाचार्य त्रिदण्डी चिन्न श्रीमन्नारायण रामानुज जीयर स्वामीजी एवं भारत र नेपालका अतिविशिष्ट महात्माहरुको समुपस्थितिमा वि.सं.२०४० फागुन २६ गतेका दिन नवलपरासी जिल्लाको गैंडाकोटमा श्रीस्वामीजीलाई १००८ कलशको पवित्र जलले अभिषेक गरी जगद्गुरू पदमा सम्मानित गरिएको थियो। त्यसर्थ योगिराज श्रीकमलनयनाचार्य स्वामीजी नै नेपाल देशीय आद्य (प्रथम) जगद्गुरु होइबक्सन्छ।
श्रीलक्ष्मीनारायण मन्दिर एवम् जगद्गुरु योगीराज श्रीकमलनयनाचार्य आश्रम ( गुरुकुलम) पीठाधिपति अनन्त श्रीविभूषित स्वामी श्रीदामोदराचार्य

श्रीदामोदराचार्य स्वामीजीको जन्म पिता भागवत र माता राघवी नेपालका गर्भबाट वि०सं० २०३२ आषाढ १७ गते पूर्वभाद्रपदा नक्षत्रमा भूटान देशको सर्भाङ जिल्ला अन्तर्गत सुरे गाउँमा भएको हो। विलक्षण प्रतिभाका धनी श्रीस्वामीज्यूको बाल्यकाल अत्यन्त सुखमय रुपमा बितेको थियो ।
आफ्नै गाउँमा संस्थापित सुरे संस्कृत पाठशाला भूटानबाट अक्षरारम्भ गर्नुका साथै गीता, वेद व्याकरणादि प्राथमिक तहको अध्ययन पूर्ण गरी तत्पश्चात त्रिदण्डीदेव संस्कृत महाविद्यालय अयोध्याबाट व्याकरण र साहित्य विषयमा शास्त्री सम्मको अध्ययन गर्नुभयो । त्यस पछि संपूर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय वाराणसीबाट रामानुज वेदान्त दर्शनमा आचार्यको परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण गर्नुभयो ।
स्वदेश र परदेशका विभिन्न स्थानमा रहेर श्रीस्वामीजीले प्रत्यक्ष तथा परोक्ष (जुमको माध्यम) रूपमा गीता, श्रीमद्भागवत आदि विषयको अध्यापन गराइरहनु भएको छ ।
आचार्य पदवी प्राप्त:
नेपाल देशको झापा जिल्ला चाराली अन्तर्गत श्रीदेवस्थानका पिठाधिस अनन्तश्रीविभूषित सन्तशिरोमणि श्रीवासुदेवाचार्य स्वामीजीबाट वि०सं० २०६५ गुरुपूर्णिमाका दिन आचार्यपद्वी प्राप्तगरी शरणागति मार्गलाई संसारका विभिन्न देशमा प्रचार प्रसार गरिरहनु भएको छ ।
Meet our Board Members

Gopal Baskota
Gopal Baskota is the current president/ Chairperson of Shree Vaishnav Parishad America.
Gopal Baskota was the origin of Bhutan, born on May 23 rd, 1967, in Maugaon block Dovan under Sarbhang district in the Baskota family. He grew up there and completed his primary education at Maugaon Primary School. He went to Sarbhang Central High School for his secondary education. He got married to Laxmi Koirala and has a biological son Bhim. Because of Human rights and political issues, the Govt. of Bhutan fled 120,000 fellows of Nepali-speaking people from the southern belt of Bhutan in the year 1991/1992. He lived in Nepal as an asylum seeker for more than 18 years in the refugee camp and he worked in a hospital as an in-charge of injection and dressing center with the guidelines of Save the Children Fund (SCF) UK in 1992. Gopal and Laxmi got another biological sibling daughter Ganga in 1993 in Nepal. He went for further education and achieved a bachelor’s degree in health science based on the support services pathway from the University of North Bengal (NBU) India. While in Nepal he taught in most of the private sector schools and enjoyed teaching at Emerald Academy in Bhadrapur, east of Jhapa Nepal for many years.
Gopal Baskota came to America in the year 2011 on August 2 and, as the third country re-settlement process through International Organizations for Migration (IOM) in Syracuse, NY, started to work in Marquardt Switches Incs, Cazenovia, NY, certified IPC-A-610 Specialist of electronic assemblies engineering. In the year 2014, he moved to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania because of his parents and started working with DB Schenker in Carlisle, PA to repair and test Apple products. He again moved to Ohio in November 2016 along with his family because of destiny and successfully got naturalized in 2017. Since then, he has been involved in serving Shree Vaishnav Parishad America in Ohio state.
Gopal is a determined man and eager to learn new things, never gives up until he gets something right. He is good at multi-tasking and does not easily lose his hopes. He likes working systematically in a calm and organized way. As he was incredibly young his parents were the followers of Hindu mythological orthodox. So, he also adhered to the same religion believing the philosophy of Shree Ramanuja Swamiji. His father Mr. Narayan Baskota was also one of the most active volunteers to take Jagadguru Yogiraj Shreekamalanayanaacharya in Bhutan. Mr. Gopal Baskota learned the root of Vaishnavism from Shreekamalanayanaacharya Swamiji and his parents. He says, “A cloudy day will never bother you if you bring your sunshine.” He has been one of the volunteer members of SVPA since he moved to Ohio State. A year later he was nominated as a general secretary by the board of directors. He served the SVPA as a general secretary for two years and when the Chairperson resigned from the SVPA then he was elected by the volunteer member and the board member as a Chairperson of the Shree Vaishnav Parishad America. He is the current president/ Chairperson of the community and has helped the non-profit organization grow and its development for pros and cons. He requests that everyone must come under the same umbrella and serve the community and its people amicably to resolve the problem of in need people.

Tilachan Pokarel
Vice President Tilachan Pokarel is the current Vice President of Shree Vaishnav Parishad America.
Biography About Sudarshan Adhikari
Mr. Sudarshan Adhikari, born on July 21, 1983, in Maugaon, Bhutan, has had a remarkable life journey. His parents, Pashupati Adhikari and Madhavi Adhikari, laid the foundation for his early education at Maugaon Primary School. From a young age, Sudarshan showed a strong interest in Vedic cultural activities, which he pursued under the guidance of Maugau Sri Laxminarayana Mandir. The family later moved to Taklai, where Sudarshan continued his primary education at Taklai Primary School. However, due to the Civil War in Bhutan in 1990, they had to leave the country to ensure their safety and preserve their cultural heritage.
They sought refuge in the Goldhap Refugee camp, enduring a challenging period that lasted for twenty years. Despite the difficulties faced in exile,
Sudarshan Adhikari remained committed to education. He completed his secondary education at Blooming Lotus English School and achieved his intermediate education milestone at Gomendra Multiple College. He also Studies Sanskrit and Nepali Sahitya from Nepali Sahitya Pracher Samiti Siliguri. Sudarshan’s journey reflects not only resilience in the face of difficulty but also a deep dedication to learning and preserving cultural roots.
His experiences have undoubtedly shaped him into a person of strength and determination, ready to contribute meaningfully to the world. Sudarshan Completed his bachelor’s level from Mechi Multiple Campus Bhadrapur Jhapa, Nepal. He got married in 2008 to Kamala Khatiwada (Adhikari) and moved to the United States in 2011, initially to Tucson, Arizona, and later to Ohio in 2014. Currently, he resides in Etna, Ohio, with his wife and three kids. Since 2014, Sudarshan has been actively volunteering at Shree Vaishnav Parishad America and currently serves as the Vice Chairman of Shree Vaishnav Parishad America SVPA.

Shadananda Kafley
Spiritual Director
Shadananda Kafley is the current Spiritual Director of Shree Vaishnav Parishad America .
संक्षेपी करण परिचय-
१. नाम–षडानन्द काफले
२. दीक्षित नाम–श्रीनारायण शाण्डिल्य
पिता-श्रीतारानिधि काफले ।
माता-श्रीखिनामाया काफले ।
३. जन्मस्थान– दागापेला,भाले गाँव ।
४. जन्ममिति-6/6/1974
५. जन्मस्थानबाट न्याऊली प्रस्थान-1976 मा।
६. आफ्नु उमेर ६ बर्षबाट विद्यालय प्रवेश ।
७. 1993 मा देशबाट निष्कासन ।
८. 1993 मा वृन्दावन प्रस्थान ।
९. 2002 मा आचार्य परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण ।
१०. 2004 मा विवाह सम्पन्न ।
११. यसै अन्तरालमा २ वर्ष आन्ध्रप्रदेशमा मन्दिर तथा विद्यालयमासेवा।
१२. १ वर्ष काछाड़ कलेज शिलचरमा अध्यापन।
१३. तत्पश्चात् क़रीब ७ वर्ष भारतीय आर्मीमा धर्मगुरूको पदमा कार्यसम्पन्न ।
१४. 2013 सम्म शिविर तथा विभिन्न सामाजिक स्वयंसेवाका कार्यमासक्रिय ।
१५. 2013 मा नेपालबाट अमेरिका प्रस्थान ।
१६. 2013 मै वैदिक सेवा समाजको स्थापना गराऊन सफल

Ranga Raj Adhikari
Financial Auditor
Ranga Raj Adhikari is the current Treasurer of Shree Vaishnav Parishad America.
He has spent the past 13 years working with startups, firms, and companies focused on accounting, auditing, financial management, and tax services. He has more than 2 years of accounting and billing experience in the health sector in Ohio. He Joined the Shree Vaisnab Parishad America’s board in 2019. Mr. Adhikari received a Uttarmadyama degree from Mahendra Sanskrit University, Nepal. He holds a Bachelor of Business Studies (B.B.S) degree from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. He strengthened his knowledge and understanding of business from the Institute of Charter Accountants of India and the Institute of Companies Secretary of India. He is pursuing a Master of Business Administration in SAP ERP and Business Analytics. He regularly participates in blood donation and Platelet donation organized by the American Red Cross and social activities organized by the community.

Gopi Dhital
Gopi Dhital is the current Treasurer of Shree Vaishnav Parishad America.
My name is Gopi Dhital.I was born in 1978 in the Dagana District of southern Bhutan. I grew up there until 15 years old and left the country because of political instabilities and racial discrimination specially to southern Bhutanese by the government of Bhutan. Upon arrival in Nepal in mid 1993 experienced life’s most hardship and bitterness. The unbelievable but bitter truth is that I started my first schooling in Grade 3 learning the lowercase alphabet. After a year, moved to Beldangi II where life was a bit better in comparison. With hard and continued struggle in my studies, I was able to get through Grade 8 at Pancha Oti English School (PES) through the Bhutanese Refugee Education Programme conducted by CARITAS Nepal with UNHCR Funding. Surprisingly I was able to get through my School Leaving Certificate Exam(SLC) from Tri-Ranta Secondary School In 2000. Immediately after that, I started my intermediate +2 level studies in the faculty of commerce at Global Educational Academy Damak affiliated with the Higher Secondary Education Board in 2002.
On 2nd August 2002, I was appointed as a Teacher in Pancha Oti English School where I rendered service a kind of volunteer service as there was an initial incentive of Rs.934 per month. While teaching in PES, I joined my BBS(Bachelor of Business Studies) from Mahendra Morang Campus Biratnager affiliated with Tribhuvan University as a distance education. Meanwhile, I tied the wedding knot with Hari Maya Ghimire in 2004 and had a baby son Balan in 2006. I left PES in 2008 and started teaching at Red Rose Academy in Maidhar for four years. I along with my family left Beldangi for resettlement on 6th July 2012 and landed in
Columbus Ohio USA on 12th July 2012. Soon after arrival, a baby daughter Bala was born in 2013. Unfortunately, I couldn’t continue my studies here in the USA but luckily I was able to buy a house in 2015 and acquired citizenship of the United States of America in 2018. In 2018 itself when Shree Vaishnav Parishad America bought a property in Reynoldsburg to establish Laxmi Narayan Mandir I got an opportunity to do volunteer service as a coordinator of a Volunteer Service Group (Mandir Manchalan Samiti) In early 2020 Shree Vaishnav Parishad America board upgraded me as an Asst. Treasurer of the Board and I have been rendering volunteer service since then. Rendering volunteering services, especially in the religion and spiritual field, Spending time with Vaishnav circles, Chanting Holy books and pilgrimage, and so on are the things I would like to do this time.
Finally, I am thankful to my Acharya whom I received Shree Vaishnav Dikchhya, and all Vaishnav circles compatible with whom I could able to change myself to a little bit spiritual. Also, I never stay idle unless I bow down to Aaradhya Dev Shree Laxminarayan Bhagawan for His grace and goodness toward me.

Tilachan Pokhrel
Tilachan Pokhrel is the current Secretary of Shree Vaishnav Parishad America.
Tilachan Pokhrel was from Toribaari, Bhutan, born in 1973. His early years were shaped by the Toribaari Primary School, a foundation he cherished. The tumultuous political climate in Bhutan led him to Nepal in 1992, where he became an asylum seeker in Bel City, Damak. Despite challenges, Tilachan pursued education, joining a Sahitya class and earning the alankaar certificate. His resilience shone as he started teaching Nepali to junior classes, impacting young lives. Fortune smiled upon him when he secured a place in America through the IOM’s third-country resettlement process. Naturalization followed, marking a new chapter of hope and possibilities.
In America, Tilachan dedicated himself to serving others. He found purpose in volunteering for Shree Vaishnav Parishad America, gradually assuming various roles. Today, as the General Secretary, he skillfully manages the maintenance department, a testament to his journey from adversity to leadership, making a positive impact on the lives of the homeless.

Narayan Kaushik Phuyal
Assistant secretary
Narayan Kausik Phuyal is the current Assistant Secretary of Shree Vaishnav Parishad America.
My name is Narayan Phuyel (Kaushik) and I am writing to introduce myself. I was born in Nepal, into the Phuyel family. My journey to the United States was not an easy one. After spending 18 years in a refugee camp, my family and I were finally able to resettle in the US in 2010. We have lived in Illinois, and Pennsylvania, and finally settled in the state of Ohio. We are surrounded by our loved ones and have made this place our home.
My family means everything to me and I am blessed to have my parents, grandmother, younger brother, two beautiful children, and loving wife by my side. Currently, I work as a case worker at a psychiatric hospital. My job allows me to serve and support those in need, and I am truly passionate about making a positive impact in people’s lives. My strong belief in Lord Laxminarayan guides me in everything I do, and I strive to live an honest and trusting life.
In addition to my work, I am also the assistant secretary at our local temple. It is an honor to serve my community in this role and I am grateful for the opportunity to give back to those who have supported and pushed me into this position. I have great respect for all those who have helped me along my journey. My hobbies are meeting new people, making friends with them, learning/reading about histories and mythology, watching documentary and traveling.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I look forward to connecting with you further and learning more about you.

Saraswati Dahal
Central Core Member
Saraswati Dhital is the current Central Core Member of Shree Vaishnav Parishad America.
Saru Dahal was born on August 9, 1988, in Surey Bhutan. Her parents are Dharanidhar Dahal (father) and Padma Dahal (mother). The family fled from Bhutan govt. and returned to Nepal in 1992, where Saru completed her SLC in a refugee camp. She actively engages in volunteer work to help children. Later, she finished her +2 education at Birtamode Manakamana College, initiating the process of relocating to the USA in May 2009. Settling in Michigan initially, the family moved to Ohio on September 14, 2020, where Saru bought a house in 2021. Currently, she finds joy in working with Shree Vaishnav Parishad America.

Yadap Khatiwoda
Board Member
Yadap Khatiwoda is the current central core member of Shree Vaishnav Parishad America.
My Bio
Name: Yogesh Regmi
Parents: Nila and Menuka Regmi
Sopuse: Manju Gautam
Family Member: 5
Education: BBS from Nepal and Business Administration from Ohio State University.
Work: Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.
Position title: EVS Manager since 2015, Real state agent since 2021.
SVPA: Central Core Member.